Mourne Masonic Lodge No. 696 Annalong.

The Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of Mourne Masonic Lodge No. 696 welcome you to their website.


Lodge 696 is warranted on the roll of the Grand Lodge of Ireland in the Province of Down.


We hope you enjoy your visit here and look forward to you visiting us on a regular basis.



The accompanying Memorial for a Warrant.

The accompanying Memorial for a Warrant was laid before Lodge 144, Lodge No. 142, Lodge 377 at their stated communications held on 26th day of March 1945, 13th day of March 1945 and on the 17th day of April respectively.


When it was resolved that the same be recommended to the favourable consideration of Grand Lodge.

Annalong Fish Night.

The Lodges' October communication plays host to the annual "Annalong Fish Night".


This is a spectacular feast of seafood that is donated by the members of the Lodge. "Annalong Fish Night".


This event has become well renowned in the local Masonic calendar and is looked forward to with great anticipation by members and visitors alike.



From the P.G.L. Minute of 20 September, 1952
“…. It was intimated that a site for the erection of a Masonic Hall in Annalong had been acquired, which site had been approved by the Provincial Grand Supr. of Works. An Occasional Communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Down, having been convened by summons was held in the Masonic Hall, Annalong, on Saturday, 6th March, 1976 at 3.00 p.m., for the purpose of Dedicating the New Hall.


The brethren of Lodge 696 and visiting Brethren, having assembled in the Annalong Primary School, proceeded in procession to the entrance to the Masonic Hall. The Provincial Grand Lodge Officers approached in procession under the direction of the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies. Having unlocked the door, the Provincial Grand Master declared the Hall open; thanked the Brethren for so honouring him, and wished all who met in the Hall, health, happiness and prosperity, and unveiled a Tablet commemorating the opening of the New Hall.


The Brethren then assembled in the Lodge Room, which was filled to capacity.

The Roll of Provincial Grand Lodge Officers was called and the attendances and apologies recorded.

The Provincial Grand Master, Rt. Wor. Bro. Herbert Stewart, JP., was assisted by R.W. Bro. J.D. Gordon, JP., Provincial Deputy Grand Master and R.W. Bro. N. Agnew, MA., Ph.D., Provincial Assistant Grand Master, and the following Provincial Grand Lodge Officers:-
  V.W. Bro. J.H. Pyper Provincial Senior Grand Warden
  V.W. Bro. W.E. Wood Provincial Junior Grand Warden
  V.W. Bro. R.E. Gray, FCA Provincial Grand Treasurer
  V.W. Bro. H. Robb Provincial Grand Secretary
  R.W. Bro. Rev. H. Irvine Provincial Grand Chaplain
  W. Bro. F. Scarborough Provincial Senior Grand Deacon
  W. Bro. J.A. Weir Provincial Junior Grand Deacon
  R.W. Bro. G.W. Reside, OBE. Provincial Grand Supr. of Works
  R.W. Bro. Samuel A. Kerr Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies
  W. Bro. J.A. Craig Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies
  W. Bro. J.T. Hartley Provincial Grand Steward
  W. Bro. J. Kane Provincial Grand Steward
  W. Bro. H. Moore Provincial Grand Steward
  W. Bro. B. Armstrong Provincial Grand Steward
  W. Bro. J.A. Beattie Provincial Grand Lodge Sword Bearer
  W. Bro. D. Corry Provincial Grand Steward of Charities
  W.Bro. T.V.M. McKirgan Provincial Grand Organist
  W. Bro. W. McClenaghan Provincial Grand Lodge Standard Bearer
  W. Bro. S. Hanna
Provincial Grand Masters Standard Bearer
  W.Bro. J. Dawson Provincial Grand Inner Guard
Provincial Grand Lodge opened on the Entered Apprentice Degree, following which Grand Honours were accorded to the Provincial Grand Master, and the circular convening the Communication was read.
In a few well chosen words W. Bro. Mawhinney welcomed Provincial Grand Lodge and thanked the Provincial Grand Master for agreeing to Dedicate the Hall. He expressed appreciation to all who assisted in anyway in the Arrangements for the Ceremony, especially mentioning R.W. Bro. S.A. Kerr and V.W. Bro. H. Robb.
The Provincial Grand Master thanked W. Bro. Mawhinney for the welcome and stating he was very pleased to see such a large and representative attendance.
Having explained the purpose of the Occasional Communication the Provincial Grand Master instructed the Provincial Grand Directors of Ceremonies to proceed with the ceremony. The Worshipful Master and Officers of Lodge 696 were presented by the Director of Ceremonies, R.W. Bro. S.A. Kerr, who, on their behalf, requested that the Hall be Dedicated to the purposes of the Craft, in accordance with the Ancient forms and Usage’s.
In the address to the Brethren, the Provincial Grand Master expressed the great pleasure it gave him to take part in the Dedication of such a fine Hall. He complimented the architect on the excellency of the design and the builder on the high standard of workmanship.
The hall, which was indeed magnificent, was originally a church but long since unused, and to see it now in its new guise was a tribute worthy of our best Masonic tradition. The spirit and courage of the Brethren of the area whose efforts had made the project possible were deserving of our admiration and esteem. A special word of thanks was accorded to W. Bro. Wm. J. Caren, the foundation Treasurer, and after 30 years still acting in this Office; W. Bro. S.J. McCormick the present Worshipful Master and W. Bro. Mawhinney the Secretary, together with W. Bro. C. McCullough and W. Bro. S. McKee.
Most of the furnishings in the Lodge room, which were equally as beautiful as the building, had been donated by the members, and he would take an early opportunity of informing the Grand Master of the beautiful hall, and the furnishings therein, which reflected great credit on all concerned, and would prove an asset to the Province. He concluded his remarks by wishing the Lodge every success and great prosperity in the future.
Provincial Grand Lodge now closed, and the National Anthem was sung.